Secure and legally valid digital signing

Sign your document within a few clicks, fully compliant with European legislation. Try our free online demo and see for yourself how easy it is.

Zynyo's unique Signing Service

Zynyo's Signing Service makes it possible to digitize various approval processes. This allows paper procedures to be converted effortlessly to digital processes, offering significantly more efficiency.


Our experts are ready to guide you through this transition. Zynyo has ISO 27001 certification and meets the strict requirements of both European legislation and the AVG.

  • faster A paper signature requires an average of 3 days.
  • more efficient Automate business processes with digital signatures.
  • cheaper Save administrative costs of €3 to €6 per document.
  • more secure A digital signature is less susceptible to fraud.
  • less paper Digitization significantly reduces paper consumption.
  • more control See where your documents are at any time.

How does it work?

  • Start signing wherever you want, whenever you want
  • Sign and send documents from a secure environment
  • The identity of the signatory is validated
  • Upon completion, you will receive a Deed of Signature with time and ID information
  • The document is sealed and cannot be modified
  • Sign in full compliance with European legislation


Our software can be easily and quickly integrated into various applications and software packages


To provide you with the best service, Zynyo is constantly working to create new links

Safe & legal

According to the European ETSI standards, the correct design of the digital signature is ensured. The signing process primarily serves as an authentication for the signer, who does so after reviewing the document and agreeing with its contents.

Zynyo has recorded this approval according to ETSI guidelines in the Deed of Signature, which is an integral part of the signed document. This lists several essential elements of the digital signature:

  • Method of signature
  • Time stamp with signature time
  • Sealing the document

This seal makes it impossible to alter or forge the document. The Deed of Signature allows the signer to subsequently prove the legality of the signature, if necessary.

Instrument of signature with timestamp


Document Transaction Management (DTM) set up for repetitive work processes


Send documents for signature easily and reliably from SharePoint


Link directly between our Signing Service and your own system, using Zynyo's API

Start signing digitally today!

Send, sign & done.